Biceps Workout At Home

Contrary to popular perception, going to the gym won't help you develop stronger biceps.

The muscles on the front of your upper arms are known as biceps. They control the flexion of your arms and the supination of your forearms. Additionally, they aid with shoulder and arm stabilisation and general movement.

Being able to lift and carry objects with ease is made easier by having strong biceps. Given that, you might be curious in how to get stronger biceps without working out in the gym.

These 16 biceps workouts can be performed at home.


Biceps curl

Unlike most arm exercises that work multiple muscle groups, biceps curls directly target the biceps.

1.  Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand. 

2.Turn your arms to face forward and bend your elbows to move the dumbbells up toward your shoulders. Slowly raise both dumbbells up (around 2–3 seconds). 

3.Avoid swinging your arms and body, which takes the focus off your biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbells (around 3 seconds) until you reach the starting position.

4. This is 1 repComplete 2–3 sets of 8–12 reps. Slowly performing this exercise increases time under tension during the concentric (lifting) and eccentric (lowering) contractions, allowing for greater muscle building.



Alternate Bicep Curl

You can concentrate on each arm separately while doing alternate biceps curls to enhance the mind-body connection.

With your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in your right hand, stand upright.

Curl the dumbbell slowly in the direction of your right shoulder while maintaining your left arm at your side or your hand on your hip. After that, gradually return the dumbbell to its initial position. That is one rep.

Finish 8–12 repetitions, then swap sides. Do two or three sets.


Hammer Curl

The brachialis, a nearby muscle necessary for strong arms, and your biceps are both targeted by the hammer curl, which modifies the grip position on the dumbbell.

With your feet shoulder-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand by your sides, stand straight. Palms should be facing inward.

Bend your right elbow to lift the dumbbell toward your shoulder. Ideally, the dumbbell would be vertical. Don't swing your arms about.

Squeeze your biceps after elevating the dumbbell, and then slowly return it to the starting position.

Similarly, move your left arm.

For 8–12 reps on each side, switch your arms back and forth. Do two or three sets.


Reverse Curl

Reverse curls are, as the name implies, the inverse of standard biceps curls. You may target your biceps quite well with this small change.

Your feet should be shoulder-width apart when you stand erect. With your hands by your sides, hold a dumbbell in each hand in an overhand grip with your palms facing backward.

Bend your elbows and slowly raise both dumbbells towards your shoulders while contracting your biceps. For the duration of the activity, keep your core engaged and avoid flailing your arms and torso.

Returning to the beginning posture, straighten your arms to lower the dumbbells. That is one rep.

Finish 8–12 repetitions, then swap sides. Do two or three sets.

Start with a lesser weight if you've never done this exercise before, and focus on


Shoulder bicep curl

You will quickly feel the burn after performing this easy, no-equipment routine.

Put your arms by your sides and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Bend your elbows while raising both arms above your shoulders until your fingertips are in contact with your shoulders.

Slowly raise your arms until they are parallel to the floor and straight out to the sides.

Once more contact your shoulders by bending your elbows. That is one rep.

Complete three 20-rep sets.

Concentrate on making slow, deliberate movements to extend your time under tension and maximise your workout.


Seated Bicep Stretch 

Maintain a straight spine, neck, and head while performing this stretch. Do not slouch or arch your back. You'll feel a stretch in your shoulders and chest in addition to your biceps.

To perform this stretch

At the base of your spine, interlace your hands.

Arms should be straight and palms should be downward.

As high as you can, raise your arms.

For up to a minute, maintain this posture.

From one to three times.

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