⇏ Chest workout at home ⇍

Chest exercise is best exercise in body. It helps increase stamina and power.


                By doing the first three of our chest exercises three times a week for a fortnight, you'll lay the groundwork for a bigger chest. Give yourself at least a day off in between workouts. Each exercise should be performed three times, with one to two minutes of relaxation in between each session. 

                Aim for 10 to 15 reps, but if that's too much for your chest, just do your best.  Start with the first three exercises and complete them for two weeks before moving on to exercises four through seven. For the following four weeks, carry out these modifications twice a week. 

                 Each exercise should be performed four times with one to two minutes of rest in between each set. Attempt to complete 10 to 15 reps per set, or



Pushups is a best exercise that you can any where Do and repeat. First of all yo need to straight from flour wide a both hands and back straight to do pushups, then slowly go down and slowly go up the repeat it 15-20 reps, and 3 set of 20 reps in a day.


Wide press-up

You've probably already done these, either accidentally or on purpose. Simply perform a press-up as you normally would, but with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.


Diamond press-up

Put your hands together so that the tips of your thumbs and index fingers meet as you perform a press-up. Keep your elbows tucked in to the side of your body as you lower.


One arm press-up

With your left hand on the box and your right hand on the floor, perform a press-up. Change arms, then repeat. A rep is one.


Spiderman press -up

Put yourself in the standard press-up position. Bring your right knee to your right elbow while maintaining it off the floor as you squat down towards the floor. Return your leg to the starting position by pressing back up. Repeat with your other leg.


Inclined press-up

Put your hands on a bench, chair, or box somewhat farther apart than shoulder width. Bend your arms and lower your body till your chest meets the bench while keeping your feet firmly on the ground. Reposition your body to the beginning position by pushing.


Declined press-up

Put your hands on the floor in front of you and place your feet on a bench. Your chest should almost touch the floor as you stoop down. Squeeze your chest and raise your body back to the beginning position. At the top, take a quick pause before repeating.

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